Is there anything more boring than having to hold a key pressed at all times or to press it repeatedly and at specific intervals for a certain period of time? Probably not. Key Presser is a simple utility that can perform this simple yet tedious task for you for as long as you need or as many times as required. It is easy to configure and works like a charm.
The program has been designed to be unobtrusive and completely straightforward. The task it performs is simple enough to make any complicated settings, cryptic interfaces, or endless menu options absolutely unnecessary. It opens in a small window with just the features you need to have a certain key pressed for as long as required.
Thus, you will find a drop-down menu for the key to press, which pretty much covers all the keystrokes available on a standard qwerty keyboard; the option to combine such key with the Alt, Ctrl, or Shift keys, and a choice of two press options. The first one will hold a key press continuously, while the other will press that key for you at certain time intervals that you can set up by selecting a certain amount of milliseconds, seconds, minutes, or hours.
Once you’ve gone through these three simple options, you’re all set. You can then make use of the program’s hotkeys to start and stop the key press action, allowing you to activate and deactivate it according to your (or the software’s you’re using it for) needs. Regrettably, you cannot store your setup for future use. more